🔔 How to create audiences for push notifications

📚 Learn how to create segmented audiences for push notifications by using the Audience Creator and the Manual Segmentation.

Creating targeted audiences for push notifications can significantly boost user engagement by ensuring your messages reach the right people at the right time. You have two powerful methods to build these audiences:

  • Audience Creator: Build segments using predefined filters such as subscription URL, visit frequency, country, device, and more. Perfect for quickly setting up audiences based on consistent, static criteria—for example, targeting users who subscribed via a specific landing page or visited your site more than twice.

  • Manual Segmentation: For greater flexibility, create a code snippet to dynamically assign users to audiences based on custom logic and behaviors. Use it for advanced scenarios, such as tracking specific in-app actions or dynamically grouping users based on unique events.

In this tutorial, we’ll dive deeper into how to create audiences with each method.

Using the Audience Creator

Creating segmented audiences allows you to send more targeted push notifications, improving user engagement. You can create audiences based on various criteria such as subscription URL, subscription date, total visits, first visit, last visit, country, language, device, OS, and browser. Here’s how to create an audience.

Go to the Audience Creator. Navigate to the Audience Creator in the left sidebar. To create a new audience, click on the plus icon.

Name Your Audience. Give your new audience a meaningful name so that you can easily identify it later.

Select Your Filter Criteria. Choose the first filter criteria. For example, if you choose Subscription URL, you will then be able to select an operator, like Contains or Does not contain.

Add a Value. After choosing an operator, add a value. For example, if your filter is Subscription URL with the operator Contains, you might enter /end-customer as the value to include users who subscribed from your end-customer product page.

Add More Criteria (Optional). To refine your audience further, you can add more filters.

To add a second criteria, click on the OR button. This will expand your segment and apply the same filter with a different operator or value. For example, you could add /affiliate-program as an OR condition for Subscription URL.

If you want to narrow your audience down further, click on the AND button. This allows you to add a new filter. For example, you can add Total Visits as a new criteria with the operator Greater Than and a value of 2, meaning only users with more than two visits will be included.

Submit Your Audience. After configuring the filters, click on the Submit button to save your audience.

Use Your Audience for Push Notifications. Now that your audience is created, you can use it to target users in your push notifications.

Manage Your Audiences. Go back to the Audience Creator and search for your audience by name. There, you can:

  • View the Subscribers: Click on the eye icon to see the list of subscribers belonging to this audience.
  • Edit or Delete: To make changes to your audience, click on the pencil icon. If you no longer need it, click the trash can icon to delete it.

By using audiences, you can send tailored push notifications that better match your users’ behaviors and needs, increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Using manual segmentation

With Manual Segmentation, you will generate a JavaScript code snippet that you can integrate into your site to automatically add users to a specific audience when they meet certain conditions. This allows for greater flexibility, letting you define audience membership dynamically based on user actions, behaviors, or any custom logic on your website.

Follow the steps below to create a manually segmented audience.

Go to the Manual Segmentation Module. Navigate to Manual Segmentation in the left sidebar.
Click the plus icon to create a new audience. Enter a descriptive name for it.

Copy the Generated Code.  After naming your audience, the system will generate a JavaScript snippet. Click on the View Code icon of your audience to open it.

Implement the Code on Your Website. Place this script in the page’s header where you want the segmentation to occur. The script will execute and add users to the specified audience when they meet the defined criteria.

Verify audience assignment. To confirm that users are being added to the segment, go back to the Manual Segmentation module. Search for your audience by name and click on the eye icon to view the list of subscribers.

Now that you know how to create and manage audiences for push notifications, you can send highly-targeted messages that resonate with your users. Whether you’re using the Audience Creator for predefined filters or Manual Segmentation for custom logic, your campaigns will be more effective and engaging.